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Handling JavaScript Errors - Part 2

In my previous blogpost, I have explained about JavaScript errors and how we can handle them in general and how we can handle them at application level. If you have not read it yet, you can read it here. In this blogpost, I will explain an approach to log JavaScript errors to a database table. 

APEX JavaScript Error Logging

error event on window object provides lot of information. I found below information is useful for debugging and worth logging into DB.
  • event.message: JavaScript error message
  • event.filename: If source of the error is from a JavaScript file, then this will give full path of JavaScript file. If error is from inline JavaScript code written in APEX page, then this will give full APEX page URL including APEX session.
  • event.lineno: Line number where error has occurred. Depending on event.filename, it could refer to line number from JavaScript file or from generated HTML page.
  • event.colno: Column number where error has occurred. It should be read along with event.lineno.
  • event.error.stack: Call stack information. Similar to DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK in PL/SQL.

Now, let's create a table to store these JavaScript errors. Please find sample table creation script below which I have used for the demo.

-- create tables
create table apex_js_error_log (
    aje_log_id                     number generated by default on null as identity
                                   constraint apex_js_error_log_id_pk primary key,
    message                        varchar2(4000 char),
    filename                       varchar2(255 char),
    lineno                         number,
    colno                          number,
    error_stack                    clob,
    app_id                         number,
    page_id                        number,
    session_id                     number,
    app_user                       varchar2(255 char),
    created_on                     date not null,
    created_by                     varchar2(255 char) not null

-- triggers
create or replace trigger apex_js_error_log_bi
    before insert
    on apex_js_error_log
    for each row
    :new.created_on := sysdate;
    :new.created_by := coalesce(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
end apex_js_error_log_bi;

Let's create a PL/SQL function to log errors.

    p_message      IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_filename     IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_lineno       IN  NUMBER,
    p_colno        IN  NUMBER,
    p_error_stack  IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_session_id   IN  NUMBER,
    p_app_id       IN  NUMBER DEFAULT apex_application.g_flow_id,
    p_page_id      IN  NUMBER DEFAULT apex_application.g_flow_step_id,
    p_app_user     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT apex_application.g_user
    l_aje_log_id apex_js_error_log.aje_log_id%TYPE;
    INSERT INTO apex_js_error_log (
    ) VALUES (
    ) RETURNING aje_log_id INTO l_aje_log_id;

    RETURN l_aje_log_id;
END log_js_error;

Let's create an application process LOG_JS_ERROR to call and log errors.

  • Name: LOG_JS_ERROR
  • Process Point: Ajax Callback: Run this application process when requested by a page process.
  • Source:
    • Code: As shown below

    l_aje_log_id   apex_js_error_log.aje_log_id%TYPE;
    l_json_output  json_object_t;
    l_aje_log_id := log_js_error(p_message => apex_application.g_x01,
                                p_filename => apex_application.g_x02,
                                p_lineno => apex_application.g_x03,
                                p_colno => apex_application.g_x04,
                                p_error_stack => apex_application.g_x05,
                                p_session_id => :app_session);
    -- Send error log id as JSON object to JavaScript
    -- If you are using older version of DB (< 12.2), then you can use APEX_JSON APIs to generate JSON
    l_json_output := NEW json_object_t;
    l_json_output.put('aje_log_id', l_aje_log_id);

And finally, let's create a JavaScript function to make an AJAX call which logs errors into DB table.

function logError(pMessage, pFileName, pLineNo, pColNo, pErrorStack) {
    // clear the errors 
    // make an AJAX call and log error
    // error stack could be more than 32k, limit text to 30k
    var result = apex.server.process("LOG_JS_ERROR", {
        x01: pMessage,
        x02: pFileName,
        x03: pLineNo,
        x04: pColNo,
        x05: pErrorStack.substr(0, 30000)
    result.done(function (data) {
        apex.message.showPageSuccess("Thanks for reporting this error. Reference # " + data.aje_log_id);
    }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        // APEX already shows errorThrown as error message
        // Somecases jqXHR.responseText will have useful info, so show jqXHR.responseText also as error message
            type: "error",
            location: "page",
            message: jqXHR.responseText,
            unsafe: false

In the demo application, I have added this function to js_error_logging.js file and then I have referred the JS file in Application > User Interfaces > JavaScript > File URLs section. If you are not sure what's best way to include JavaScript code to APEX applications, then please do read Adding JavaScript to an Application Express application from APEX documentation.

Now, let's create Dynamic Action (DA) in Page-0 as below.

  • Name: Handle Errors or any proper name
  • Execution Options:
    • Sequence: 0
  • When:
    • Event: Page Load
  • True Action:
    • Action: Execute JavaScript Code
    • Code: As shown below
window.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
    // show APEX error message
    // provide option for users to log/report the error
        type: "error",
        location: "page",
        message: "Unhandled JavaScript Error. Please <a id='log_js_error' style='cursor: pointer;'>click here</a> to report this error.",
        unsafe: false
    // log error if user clicks on the link
    $("#log_js_error").click(function () {
        logError(event.message, event.filename, event.lineno, event.colno, event.error.stack);

If you want to enable automatic error handling only for few APEX pages, then you can achieve it by defining "Server Side Condition" for this DA. 

If you see above DA code, we are using apex.message.showErrors to inform users about JavaScript errors. And then, we are providing option for users to log/report the error, instead of automatically logging the error. If we automatically log errors, then in some cases it could be overwhelming and in some cases it could cause additional problems. For e.g. if you have scheduled to execute some code repeatedly using setInterval, and if the code throws any JavaScript errors, and if we automatically log errors to DB, then it can cause additional traffic to server and in some cases can consume all DB connections at ORDS level. 

Above approach, where we are just showing error message could be equally annoying with setInterval. If JavaScript throws any errors, then users will see error messages continuously. So, in such cases, we can use "Nested setTimeout" technique to simulate setInterval

Example code for "Nested setTimeout" below.

let timerId = setTimeout(function doSomeTask() {
  // throws error  
  // go for next iteration only if current iteration is successful
  // below code will be executed only if all of the above code is executed successfully  
  timerId = setTimeout(doSomeTask, 5000); 
}, 5000);

You can read more about Scheduling with setTimeout vs setInterval here.
That's it and you can see the demo here

Caution: This approach can be misused to perform Denial-of-service attack. So, I suggest to use this approach with caution. It's best to use this approach in UAT/Staging environments where users test your applications. This will help to detect any JavaScript errors and subsequently to make your applications error free. 

If you are not already aware, when you are running application as Developer, APEX gives you little red color warning icon in developer toolbar, so we can find out most of JS errors during development phase itself.

Thank you.


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