APEX_ZIP API was introduced in APEX version 5.0. It has made generating zip files from the database easy. Nothing has changed with this API since then. Here is the sample code to generate a zip file using these APIs.
DECLARE l_zip_file BLOB; BEGIN -- zip all the files uploaded to current application "Static Application Files" FOR l_file IN( SELECT filename file_name ,blob_content file_content FROM apex_application_files WHERE flow_id = :APP_ID )LOOP apex_zip.add_file( p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file ,p_file_name => l_file.file_name ,p_content => l_file.file_content ); END LOOP; BEGIN apex_zip.finish(p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file); EXCEPTION WHEN value_error THEN -- if there is no file added so far, then apex_zip.finish raises VALUE_ERROR -- do nothing NULL; END; END;
You can find similar code in Oracle APEX documentation as-well.
Creating folder or directory inside the zip file
DECLARE l_zip_file BLOB; BEGIN -- zip all the files uploaded to current application "Static Application Files" FOR l_file IN( SELECT filename file_name ,blob_content file_content ,mime_type FROM apex_application_files WHERE flow_id = :APP_ID )LOOP -- move all images to images folder -- all other files will be directly under the zip folder apex_zip.add_file( p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file ,p_file_name => case when mime_type like 'image%' then 'images/'||l_file.file_name else l_file.file_name end ,p_content => l_file.file_content ); END LOOP; BEGIN apex_zip.finish(p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file); EXCEPTION WHEN value_error THEN -- if there is no file added so far, then apex_zip.finish raises VALUE_ERROR -- do nothing NULL; END; END;
If you are using this functionality in multiple places in your application, then you may have to repeat the code, which looks more or less same, in several places. Then I thought, why can't I create a wrapper functions on top of APEX_ZIP APIs to make developers task further easy. So, I have added new function get_zip to my open source package apex_util_wrap. To generate a zip file, you just need to pass SQL query and you will get a zip file. Sample code below.
DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(4000); l_zip BLOB; BEGIN -- important: order of columns should be same as below, 1st column should be file_name and 2nd column should be file_content (BLOB) l_sql := q'[select filename file_name, blob_content file_content from apex_application_files where flow_id = v('APP_ID')]'; l_zip := apex_util_wrap.get_zip(l_sql); END;
This works well when query does not have any bind variables or when using this function with-in a valid APEX session (i.e. bind variable values can be passed using V function). But, if you want to use it in any scheduler jobs, then you may need to pass bind variable values separately. In most cases, having one bind variable would be sufficient. So, I have added another overloaded function get_zip. This function accepts SQL query and one bind variable value. Sample code below.
DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(4000); l_zip BLOB; BEGIN -- important: order of columns should be same as below, 1st column should be file_name and 2nd column should be file_content (BLOB) l_sql := q'[select filename file_name, blob_content file_content from apex_application_files where flow_id = :APP_ID]'; l_zip := apex_util_wrap.get_zip( l_sql ,:APP_ID ); END;
Well, what if you need to pass multiple bind variables to the query? Do we need to use vanilla apex_zip APIs again? May be not. I have added yet another overloaded function get_zip. This function accepts SQL query , array of bind variable names and array of bind variable values. Sample code below.
DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(4000); l_zip BLOB; BEGIN
l_sql := q'[select filename file_name, blob_content file_content from apex_application_files where flow_id = v('APP_ID') and filename in (:FILE1,:FILE2,:FILE3)]'; l_zip := apex_util_wrap.get_zip( l_sql ,apex_t_varchar2( 'FILE1' ,'FILE2' ,'FILE3' ) ,apex_t_varchar2( 'captain.jpg' ,'ironman.jpg' ,'thor.jpg' ) ); END;
Another frequent use case is, generating zip file and downloading it from APEX. You can do this using apex_zip APIs and sys.wpg_docload.download_file procedure, after printing required HTTP headers etc. To make it simple, I have created another wrapper procedure download_blob in apex_util_wrap package. You can use this procedure to download any BLOB file in APEX.
Sample code to generate and download zip file. You can use put this code in "before header" page process in any APEX page.
DECLARE l_sql VARCHAR2(4000); l_zip BLOB; BEGIN
l_sql := q'[select filename file_name, blob_content file_content from apex_application_files where flow_id = v('APP_ID') and filename in (:FILE1,:FILE2,:FILE3)]'; l_zip := apex_util_wrap.get_zip( l_sql ,apex_t_varchar2( 'FILE1' ,'FILE2' ,'FILE3' ) ,apex_t_varchar2( 'captain.jpg' ,'ironman.jpg' ,'thor.jpg' ) ); apex_util_wrap.download_blob( l_zip ,'images.zip' ); -- stop APEX Engine apex_application.stop_apex_engine; END;
If you like get_zip function or download_blob procedure, then you can download apex_util_wrap package from here.
Link for demo.
Can we create a folder(directory) inside zip file using APEX_ZIP or APEX_UTIL_WRAP API?
You can. All you need to do is, prepend 'folder-name/' to file name. APEX will automatically create a folder for you and it will keep those files under respective folder.
For e.g. if you want to keep all images in one folder and others in other folder, then use SQL query as below.
select CASE WHEN MIME_TYPE LIKE 'image%' THEN 'images/'||FILENAME ELSE 'others/'||FILENAME end file_name, BLOB_CONTENT file_content
from apex_application_files
where FLOW_ID = v('APP_ID')
You can also do it using apex_zip.add_file, just prepend 'folder-name/' to p_file_name value.
p_zipped_blob => l_zip_file
,p_file_name => 'folder-name/'||l_file.file_name
,p_content => l_file.file_content
Now I want to give end user to download the files he has selected and put them in a zip file to download on his machine.
The external table is as follow:
How can I add files selected from user into a zip file and then download the zip file on machine?
Thanks in advance,
Can you tell What is the size limit for all files?
I am using "Download Zip" option in my application. It is giving "numeric or value error" as it contains minimum 50 files.
You can use dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile to read files from Oracle directory to BLOB and then you can use apex_zip APIs to create a zip file.
I don't think there is limit on number of files. I have exported APEX application as zip file where application has more than 500 pages. Behind the scenes, APEX uses apex_zip to generate application export zip file. So, there is no such limit on number of files.
However, without seeing your code, it's difficult to guess why you are getting this error. I suggest to post your question to Oracle forums with sample code and other required info.
My issue is resolved. It was generating an error due to some null file records exist in the table. Excluding that files, now we can download zip.