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Oracle APEX - Few Interesting Points

In this blog post, I am going to touch upon few interesting points I have discovered in my Oracle APEX journey. If you are new to Oracle APEX development, you may find this blogpost useful.

PL/SQL Expression vs SQL Expression

APEX offers us several condition types for server-side conditions. However, there are two condition types which looks almost same. They are "PL/SQL Expression" and "SQL Expression". So, are there any differences between these two condition types or are they actually same?

Here is simple definition for these condition types, in my own words.
  • PL/SQL Expression: As the name says, any condition which evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and which can be used as condition with IF statement in PL/SQL can be specified as "PL/SQL Expression".
  • SQL Expression: Similarly, any condition which evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and which can be used in SQL Query can be specified as "SQL Expression".
However, there are few "PL/SQL Expression" conditions that won't work as "SQL Expression" conditions. Few examples are
  • Just TRUE or FALSE: TRUE or FALSE are BOOLEAN types. We can use them in PL/SQL Expression, but not as SQL Expression condition.
  • Conditions using APEX_APPLICATION.G_X01 or APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01: G_X01 to G_X10 are variables and G_F01 to G_F50 are arrays declared in APEX_APPLICATION package. These variables and arrays can be used only in PL/SQL Expression condition type. e.g. condition APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01.COUNT > 0
Similarly, there is a "SQL Expression" condition which won't work for "PL/SQL Expression", that is DECODE. e.g. condition DECODE(:P1_GENDER,'M','Male','F','Female','Others') = 'Male'

I generally go with "PL/SQL Expression" condition type, instead of "SQL Expression" and I use CASE statement instead of DECODE. You may refer "Available Conditions" section in documentation for complete list of condition types.

APEX Collections vs Global Temporary Tables

When we have Global Temporary Tables (GTT) in Oracle DB, then why do we need APEX Collections? Can't we just use GTT in APEX? Before answering this question, first we need to understand Oracle APEX Architecture. When a request is sent from browser, then ORDS picks any free DB session lying in the pool or creates new DB session (when all existing sessions are busy) to connect to DB. That means, there is no guarantee that all requests from same APEX Session will be mapped with same DB session. Also APEX Session != DB Session.

As we know, data in GTTs can be preserved either for the whole session (ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS), or just for the current transaction (ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS). If we know that given APEX session always maps with a specific DB Session (i.e. there is 1-1 mapping between APEX and DB Session), then using GTTs with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS clause makes sense. However, it's not the case. So, we can't use GTTs in Oracle APEX. If we use GTTs in APEX, then we may get unpredicted results.

When you are here, I recommend reading "Correlating APEX Sessions to Database Sessions" post from Joel Kallman on related topic.

Before Header vs After Header

In APEX, Page Designer > Rendering > Pre-Rendering section, we can use three rendering points. Before Header, After Header and Before Regions. "Before Regions" is clear, but what about "Before Header" and "After Header"? Are there any differences between these two? To understand this, first let’s find out what is "header".

APEX - HTML Header
HTML Header

In APEX, in general, below content is rendered into HTML header section. 
  •     Menu Toggle Icon
  •     Application Logo
  •     Application Name
  •     Navigation bar list items
  •     Navigation menu items (if menu position defined as "Top")
We can also observe it in the above screenshot. Page debug is another good place to see what is being executed before header, after header and in between these two rendering points.

So, if the process code should affect any of components rendered in HTML header section, then we should define process point as "Before Header". Otherwise, we can define it as "After Header". I generally go with "Before Header" process point and I can't recollect when I have used "After Header" process point.

Display Only Item vs Read Only Item

What is the difference between "Display Only" item and item with read only condition set as "Always"? We may get this question when choosing item type for "Primary Key" field. Because we don't want users to enter or modify primary key value, but in some cases we may want to display it in UI. So, in those cases, which approach can we choose? Which one is better?

Both "Display Only" item (with "Send On Page Submit" as "ON") and "item with read only condition set as Always" behaves exactly the same way. Once the page is loaded, if we try to modify these page item values using JavaScript and submit the page, then we will get "Session state protection violation" error. So, we can use either of these approaches for the primary key field example.

Note: For "Display Only" item, when we set "Send On Page Submit" as "OFF", then that page item value will not be submitted to server. However, when we create "Display Only" item, by default, "Send On Page Submit" is set to "ON". If you are using "Display Only" item for displaying primary key, then you may want to ensure "Send On Page Submit" flag is set to "ON".

Page Item Source vs Item Default

Martin Giffy D'Souza has written an excellent blogpost on this topic. You may read it here 


There is APEX API APEX_AUTHORIZATION.IS_AUTHORIZED using which we can verify whether current user passes specific authorization scheme or not in PL/SQL code. However, this returns a BOOLEAN value. That means, we can't use it inside SQL query. But, why can't it return Y or N, so we could use it in SQL as-well?

Answer to this question lies in "Validate authorization scheme" option of "Authorization Schemes". By default, "Validate authorization scheme" is set as "Once per session". That is, when "Authorization Scheme" is called for the first time, then APEX executes "Authorization Scheme" logic and stores the result in APEX internal tables (kind of server cache) for current APEX Session. On the subsequent calls to the same authorization scheme, in the same APEX session, APEX will get "Authorization Scheme" result from server cache, instead of executing the code again. This makes perfect sense. Because, in most of the cases, result of "Authorization Scheme" may not change through out the APEX session. 

So, if APEX_AUTHORIZATION.IS_AUTHORIZED returns Y or N, then we may use it in SQL queries. If we use it in SQL queries, then we will get "ORA-14551 cannot perform a DML operation inside a query" error, whenever the given "Authorization Scheme" is called for the first time and call is being made via a SQL query.

Well, that's it for now and I hope you may find this blog post interesting, if not useful 😀

Thank you.


Toufiq said…
Interesting blog Hari. Thanks for sharing.

Regarding apex_authorization.is_authorized, returning Y or N could still have been possible by making the DML on internal tables as "autonomous transaction". That would then allow us to use this API in queries.

As an Idea,to use such APIs in queries, we can have a wrapper around such APIs and make those wrapper procedures/ Functions autonomous transactions

Hari said…
Hi Toufiq,

I have not tried "autonomous transaction" approach. In general, I have used "Application Item" to store "Authorization Scheme" result, and I have used application item SQL queries. Sometimes I have directly used "SQL Query" which is used in authorization scheme.

Najeeb Khan said…
a very interesting topics and explained well.

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