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Oracle APEX SYS_CONTEXT vs V Function

With APEX Version 5.0, new Application Context APEX$SESSION is introduced. User Name, Session ID and Work-space ID are populated into this context. I often read, using APEX$SESSION Context is faster (gives better performance) than using V function, however, how fast is it? I have never measured it. It's been on my TODO list for long time and finally here is short test I did to measure the performance using both the approaches.

DB Setup:

I have created two views in APEX Parsing schema as follows.

View demo_sys_context_v uses APEX$SESSION Context to get current APEX user name.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW demo_sys_context_v
        object_name = sys_context(

View demo_vfunction_v uses V function to get current APEX user name.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW demo_vfunction_v
        object_name = v(

These views might not make much sense, because I am comparing object_name with APEX user name. However, they are good enough for our testing. 

APEX Setup: 

In APEX, I have created one region with title as "With SYS_CONTEXT" and type as "PL/SQL Dynamic Content". I have written below PL/SQL code as "Source".

    l_obj_count   PLS_INTEGER;
    HTP.P('Start: '||SYSTIMESTAMP);
        INTO l_obj_count

    HTP.P('<br/>End: '||SYSTIMESTAMP);    

In this code, I am running loop based on page item P8_RUN_COUNT value. And for each iteration, I am accessing demo_sys_context_v view to get row count from the view. I am also emitting system timestamp before and after the for loop. 

I have also added below HTML code as "Footer Text"

<br/>Time taken to render <span style="font-weight:bold;">#TIMING# seconds</span>

Substitution string #TIMING# gives time taken by APEX engine to render the specific region.

I have created another region "With V Function" as title and type as "PL/SQL Dynamic Content". Only difference in this region source is, instead of using demo_sys_context_v, I have used demo_vfunction_v view.

    l_obj_count   PLS_INTEGER;
    HTP.P('Start: '||SYSTIMESTAMP);
        INTO l_obj_count

    HTP.P('<br/>End: '||SYSTIMESTAMP);    

Now we are ready to perform the test. 

I have tested rendering time for both the regions using different run counts and here is the outcome.

 Region / Run Count
 ~ 0.01 Sec.
 ~ 0.01 Sec.
 ~ 0.02 Sec.
  ~ 0.03 Sec.
 With V Function
 ~ 0.12 Sec.
 ~ 1.00 Sec.
 ~ 5.00 Sec. 
  ~ 10.00 Sec.


As we can see, region which is using APEX$SESSION Context is consistently taking less time to render, where as region which is using V function is taking more time and rendering time is increasing linearly with number of runs.

Here is the link to demo page.

Thank you.


Anonymous said…
really helpful
Richard said…
Good Input on performance

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