When we define "Help Text" for page items, then APEX displays a little "?" icon next to the page item. For Interactive Grids (IG), help icon is displayed when users click on the column header. When we click help icon, then we can see the help text defined for the item. In some cases, this may not be very handy for users. Let's consider a user registration form in your website. Users might be coming for the first time to your website and users may not be aware that they must click on the little icon to see the help text. In such cases, displaying help information proactively will be helpful for users. In this blogpost, I am going to explain a simple approach to proactively display item's help text to users. Summary of this implementation: Create "Help" region which displays help text based on page Item Name or IG column Static ID. When user focuses on any field, then get the Item Name or IG column Static ID. Set these values into hidden page items a...
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