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Showing posts from August, 2020

Defining Link for Gantt Chart

If you have worked with Gantt Chart, you may have noticed that it does not support "Link" feature where as other chart types support it. This is because Gantt chart is based on ojGantt API which does not support link feature, where as other chart types uses ojChart API and ojChart does support "Link" feature. Luckily, Gantt charts supports " selection " feature and we can use this feature to implement (mimic) link feature. To demonstrate this, let's considered a simple use case "Whenever user clicks on task bar, then we need to take user to 'Edit Task' page". To implement this, first, we need to enable "selection" feature on Gantt chart. By default, this option is disabled. For this, we need to write below JavaScript code in "Gantt Chart > Attributes > Advanced > JavaScript Initialization Code" section. Gantt Chart JavaScript Initialization Code function (options) { options.selectionMode = "single...