What's the Problem? Let's say you have an IG on employee table and you want to update selected employees commission based on user's input. Ideally, it should be very simple, where you can write UPDATE statement in page process and select IG region as "Editable Region" under "Execution Options" of the page process. But, when you select rows and submit page, you can see that, this process won't get executed! The reason is Selection of 'Row Selector' check-boxes is not considered as row-change. Thus selected rows are not submitted to server. So, is there any work around? Yes! Luckily there are lot of JavaScript (JS) APIs available to work with IG. If you are not already aware, you can refer "APEX IG Cookbook" or JavaScript API Reference documentation. If we continue with above Employee IG example, when user selects IG rows, enters "Commission %" and clicks on "Update Commission" button, then we can writ...
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